Summer Reads to take your mind off the weather

Summer Reads Blog Tour – Week Six, and it’s the turn of my lovely friend and ultra talented fantasy and paranormal writer, Tricia Drammeh. If you haven’t checked her blog out yet…what are you waiting for? 😀 xx

Suddenly they all died. The end.

Today’s Summer Reads guest is the wonderful Tricia Drammeh, a terrific friend and author.  Let’s see which books she recommends!

Summer Reads Blog Tour – Week Six Tricia Drammeh

Super excited to introduce you to Tricia Drammeh! Tricia is another friend that I’ve had the privilege of getting to know over the last several years from a site called Authonomy. It’s a site where writers go to post their manuscripts and have their peers read and critique. I loved her manuscript, her style of writing from the moment I first read her work. It’s really cool to be able to say “I read her original work before it was published!” And now a word from Tricia!

me-3Hi everyone! My name is Tricia Drammeh, and I’m super excited to be a part of the 2014 Summer Reads Blog Tour. I hope you all are finding lots of great books to read…

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A Summer of Reading – Summer Reading Blog Tour Week One

Here is a marvellous new Reading Blog Tour for the Summer. So for all of you jet-setting to sunnier climbs or just hoping for some chill time in the garden with a good book, this is for YOU! Over the next few weeks I’ve been lucky enough to be able to participate in this wonderful Summer Blog Tour (brainchild of the ultra-talented Lisa Weidmeier) – highlighting the very best new books and authors for you to enjoy! Have a happy Summer! 😀 xxx

Andrea Baker Author

As you’ll know from my earlier post, my wonderful friend and fellow author Lisa has put together a 13 week experience where you get to meet new people, and discover some of their favourite summer reads.

Lisa is one of my favourite up and coming authors, her “Timeless Series” is a fantastic read, and there are already four of them available. Be warned though, you may become a fellow sufferer of CATTS (chronic addiction to Timeless Series) 😉

Find out more about Lisa here

I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself!! Sam, Carrie and I wanted to provide for you, my avid readers, a way to not only meet new authors, but also books you might not have seen or heard about. A way to expand your reading list for the summer.

Over the next 13 weeks, I've asked various authors I know to come share not only…

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