Book Promotion Etiquette

Another brilliant post from Tricia Drammeh on how best to promote & market your book. Thanks, Tricia! šŸ˜€ xx

All I Have to Say

Lovelier05 Last week, I blogged about Marketing for Introverts . I listed a few marketing tips I hope will be helpful. Today, Iā€™d like to talk about marketing etiquette. As an author and a book blogger/reviewer, Iā€™ve learned a few things Iā€™d like to share with you. Recently, there have been some rumblings on Facebook and Twitter in which other bloggers have voiced their frustration with authors. It seems there are a few authors who might need to brush up on their communication skills. For some of you, the following list of tips might seem like common sense. For others who are new to the art of book promotion, some of these tips might come in handy.

Book Promotion Etiquette:

  1. Paid Blog Tours: When participating in a paid blog tour, you might be tempted to fall back on the old adage ā€œThe customer is always right.ā€ As a paying customerā€¦

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The Subdued Petal


The subdued petal,

Its silken flesh blessed by dew,

Dances and sways in the spring sunā€™s rays,

Bending its delicate skirts in chiffon grace.


No more the deep darkness of winter’s embrace,

Life re-born, renewed a pace.

A thousand wishes coming true,

New hope, new possibilities grow.


Glistening shards of verdant green,

Among white dappled drops of snow,

Each frowning head bobbing in the warming glow,

OfĀ sunnier days to come.


The crocus bursts with vivid hue,

Amidst the dull greysĀ of winter blue,

The ducks arrive in feathered clans,

And bring my smile, happiness found.


Spring leaps…and I follow.


Sophie E Tallis Ā© 2014


Marketing for Introverts

A brilliant post this, check it out folks!
Thank you Tricia Drammeh! šŸ˜€

All I Have to Say

If youā€™re a writer (published or unpublished), Iā€™m sure youā€™ve heard about or experienced the difficulty of marketing a book. Itā€™s hard to draw attention to your book when there are thousands of other books competing for readersā€™ attention. Iā€™ve blogged about this topic before, so I know Iā€™m not the only one who struggles to shine the spotlight on my book. Thereā€™s no single magical, free, easy way to sell books, but for those of you who have time, energy, and very thick skin, here is a list of marketing strategies that have been very effective for many authors:

  1. Blog Tours: You can pay a tour host to organize interviews, book spotlights, and reviews, or you can contact bloggers on your own. It is possible to organize your own blog tour, but it is very time consuming. Some bloggers have huge backlogs. Others will not respond. (Note: Iā€™ve triedā€¦

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Smiling platitudes.

Weak mouthed grimaces continue to do the rounds, circling and dancing with the others.

A hideous and sad little minstrel band observes from the gallery watching the fools do the gargoyle dance below.

Kiss ass.

Fit in.

Part of the team.

Half friendly, half embracing, barely concealing the contempt for each other.

Then the nightly farewells and well wishes, watching yourself reel off the same shit, hating yourself in the frozen air of the car journey homeā€¦

ā€¦complicit in your own downfall,

but ready to do the same dance and the same smile



Sophie E Tallis Ā©Smile