

Smiling platitudes.

Weak mouthed grimaces continue to do the rounds, circling and dancing with the others.

A hideous and sad little minstrel band observes from the gallery watching the fools do the gargoyle dance below.

Kiss ass.

Fit in.

Part of the team.

Half friendly, half embracing, barely concealing the contempt for each other.

Then the nightly farewells and well wishes, watching yourself reel off the same shit, hating yourself in the frozen air of the car journey home…

…complicit in your own downfall,

but ready to do the same dance and the same smile



Sophie E Tallis ©Smile

12 thoughts on “Smile

  1. Sounds like you need a new circle.

  2. Andy Szpuk says:

    Powerful stuff Sophie, I like it and glad to hear it’s in the past 🙂 Strong memories and worth recording

  3. Harliqueen says:

    Brilliant piece, I really like the way you used the short sentences. Very powerful 🙂

  4. dm yates says:

    Loved this. lol Loved it.

  5. Rita Plush says:

    Hi Sophie
    Glad you liked my post on Morgen Bailey’s blog

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