Carefree Skies

This was a little poem I wrote on a red paper poppy as partĀ of the World War I display we had at the library last November, to commemorate the centenary of the start of WWI. See what you think. šŸ™‚


An ocean of mud

As far as the grey horizon,

Twisted wire, ditch and ford

Trenchfoot and mustard eyes so sore.


A world away under cerulean skies

Without the muskets and bombs so loud,

These fields once were

Green and ploughed…


Things grew, took root

VerdantĀ leaves and shoot,

Now only craters

Desolate and wild.


But crimson poppies

Nod their vermillion heads up high,

And make us remember

Carefree skies.



Sophie E TallisĀ Ā© 2014