The Grimbold Books Kickstarter – What It Means and Why it Matters

A FANTASTIC post by Joanne Hall, check this out guys and PLEASE support Grimbold Books Kickstarter, every £1 helps! 😀 xxxx

Joanne Hall

356fohThe deployment of Professor Farnsworth is to celebrate the fact that the Grimbold Kickstarter is over 50% funded with 32 days to go – thank you to everyone who has generously made pledges so far, you’re all awesome. If you haven’t been able to support us yet, well that’s fine too, but if you can find it in your heart to spare a quid or two that would be lovely. Every pound brings us closer to the total and it really does make a difference.

Why it matters.

Aside from the fact that if you pledge you get fabulous rewards, you mean? And you do – pledging as little as a fiver will get you TWO free ebooks from the Grimbold back catalogue, many of which have been reviewed on this here blog, so I can testify to their goodness. The goodies only get better as you scroll down…

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